Charlie’s personal best was a jump of 62.5”, one of the highest jumping dogs in the world.

Charlie’s personal best was a jump of 62.5”, one of the highest jumping dogs in the world.

Our first Dalmatian, Random, joined us in 2016.

New to Dalmatians, but not new to dogs or performance sports.

The Spotters are following in a long history of performance sports.

Gecko (Adriana Explorer) was Canada’s first (and still only) Italian Greyhound to achieve OTCHX and first IG to finish his RAE. Finishing 2010 as the #9 dog in Rally Obedience in Canada (All Breed), and the #2 Toy Dog in Obedience, Gecko was an outstanding performance dog.

Darwin (Onnalee Mystere Evolve) was my second OTCH, finishing 2010 as the #6 dog in the Non-Sporting group, the #2 Standard Poodle in Obedience, and #5 Standard Poodle in Rally.

The world’s greatest poodle, Charlie, led the way as a true Superdog.

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